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2201 Tucker St. Suite #105
Dallas, TX 75214
United States
(469) 438-4016
Formerly Garner’s Classic Scooters, Kyle Salter bought the shop from Randolph Garner March 15, 2011. Kyle has been working on scooters since 2004 and has always focused on professionalism. He refuses to take short cuts and consistently delivers quality service and parts.
Hours of Operation:
By Appointment Only
Kyle's Scooter Shop
2201 Tucker St. Suite #105
Dallas, TX 75214
Vespa, Lambretta, Cushman, Puch, Jawa, Peugeot, lml Stella, Bajaj, Fuji, Honda, Motobecane, TOMOS, Yamaha, Cushman, Benneli, Kriedler, Bianchi, Pinto, Garelli, PGO, Foxi, Sachs, Kinetic, Moto Guzzi, Suzuki, Allstate